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Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran

by Lnosktldjwlfkdkdkdkd Same people who criticized Mumford&Sons’ sophomore album for being too similar to their debut album are now criticizing Ed for stepping out and trying new things. Wait for the album before writing it off.

by Song For the Real Most of the people I've seen writing a review have said they're disappointed in this album because they've only heard Sing and don't like it. Many people have said that it's "just not Ed." But seriously, Ed has done many collaborations with other artists such as Mikill Pane, Devlin, and Lupe Fiasco and they're not that far off from what Sing is. When you go into his early collabs, songs like Nightmares and Lately show his music diversity. So does one of his very popular songs from his first album: You Need Me I Don't Need You. Both songs are fast-paced and the same sort of style. Ed said that Sing was something new and different for him, but it's not like the entire album is going to be like Sing. Stop judging the entire album based on one song. And now that "One" is available, you can see that Ed is still sticking to his roots of playing slow-paced, acoustic love songs. I know that Tenerife Sea is the same style, and I See Fire is one of the most incredible songs I've heard. He said so himself that this album is going to be very diverse, but he definitely still has his own style. Even on his first album he had different instruments and backing things added into the studio versions of his songs. He didn't "add a band", he just added what he felt necessary to add to his songs to make them better. He still tours by himself just with a guitar and a looping station, and that's what Ed's signature sound is. When Sing is performed live just by himself, it's incredible. It sounds like Ed. I wasn't sure about Sing the first time I listened to it either, but the more I listened, the more it sounded like Ed. Give the album a chance before you give the entire thing a poor review. This is a fantastic album just like Ed is.

by sheeranandgeena Another brilliantly written album from the most incredible singer/songwriter out there! Love ya, Ed!!! xx

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