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Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

In the previous episodes of DC Universe’s Doom Patrol, Dorothy accidently broke Danny the Brick, and Jane was jailed in the Underground. In Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4, the Doom Patrol and the Dannyzens throw a party to help Danny the Brick.

Little Girl

Dorothy was upset about what happened to Danny the Brick. Though she had lived on Danny the Street for years, she hadn’t been allowed above ground. The Dannyzens arrived to help get Danny the Brick back together and eventually make them a street again. Maura Lee Corrupt suggested throwing a party.

Rita put makeup on Dorothy when she asked after confirming that, while she was eleven years old, she had lived a hundred and seventy-five years. Niles didn’t like it, but Dorothy assured him she was older than he thought. The party started like a quiet cocktail party, but things picked up after Dorothy sang “Pure Imagination”. However, it was her bedtime, and she had to leave the party.

The Candlemaker taunted Dorothy and her other imaginary friends like Hershel.

Clear Mind

Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

Rita was having trouble controlling her powers. Flex told her she needed a clear mind She asked Flex to use his powers to help her orgasm again like he had done on Danny the Street to help her clear her mind. We saw in her past that she had witnessed her mother sleeping with someone to get her part. Rita ended up echoing her mother’s words when Dorothy asked her if she was beautiful.

Sex Men

Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

As the night progressed, the party got wilder. Larry was awkward when trying to dance with a man and ended the night feeling lonely. Niles offered to dose Cliff with Ecstasy. While Cliff was high, he found himself dancing with a shadow. It turned out to be a sex demon, who’d been attracted to the party because of Rita’s orgasm. The Sex Men, Kiss, Torture, and Cuddles, arrived to stop it from birthing a baby whose cry would eliminate all the children of the world.

Though Jane was still locked up in the Underground, her other personalities had attended the party. When Dr. Harrison heard that children were in trouble, she braved Flex’s powers, presumably for Kay. It was Hammerhead who saved the day by shoving the baby back into the sex demon. When Cliff hugged her, Hammerhead let Jane out, and she was back as the primary.

Danny the Tire

Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

Dorothy asked Danny if they were friends when she went back down to the party. They had been keeping her prisoner for Niles when Dorothy lived in Danny the Street. Danny confronted Niles and refused to take her again. At the end of the episode, Danny was a tire and took the Dannyzens with them.

What did you think of this episode of Doom Patrol? Let us know in the comment section below?

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