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10 TV Halloween Parties We’d Love To Attend!

10 TV Halloween Parties We’d Love To Attend! has compiled a list of the 10 TV Halloween Parties We’d Love To Attend in celebration of All Hallows’ Eve! Check it out below!

Most of us won’t be attending costume parties this year, but that’s okay. Television lovers have long avoided trick-or-treaters and Halloween parties. Instead of going out into public on one of the most overrated party evenings of the year (aside from New Year’s Eve), we live vicariously through Halloween installments of our favorite TV shows. In most cases, sitcoms (old and new) host the coolest shindigs. We’ve compiled a list of 10 TV Halloween parties we’d love to attend so that on October 31st, you can turn on their respective episodes and pretend you’re there.

RELATED: Disney+ Conjures Up Ultimate Collection of Halloween Movies & Specials!

1) The Office’s Halloween Parties

Like most offices, Dunder Mifflin Scranton does it up for Halloween. Michael Scott, Dwight Schrute, Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly, and the rest of the gang dress up in outrageous costumes and attend haunted warehouse parties. The latter would be fun to attend, but just being in The Office would be enough. A good example of a quintessential Halloween episode would be season 7’s “Costume Contest,” including costumes like Jim and Cece dressed as Popeye and Swee-Pea, respectively. Or, if you’re looking for a less-festive episode, season 2’s “Halloween” is a classic: 

Michael: Um, Pam, I have to let somebody go, today. This is, uh, the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

Pam: Why did you put if off until Halloween?

Michael: Because it’s very scary stuff.

2) Violet’s Halloween Party From It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

The Charlie Brown Halloween special has plagued televisions for decades (in a good way). We’ve seen Charlie attend Violet’s Halloween party only to find out he was invited because his bald, round head makes a perfect surface for diagraming jack o’ lantern designs. We’d attend this party just to put Violet in her place.

Linus: You’ve heard of the fury of a woman scorned, haven’t you?

Charlie Brown: Yeah, I guess I have.

Linus: Well, that’s nothing compared to a woman who has been cheated out of tricks-or-treats.

3) Halloween Where Everybody Knows Your Name

That place being the Boston bar, Cheers. Cheers’ best (and sweetest) Halloween episode is season 1’s “Fairytales Can Come True.” In it, Sam dresses up as cowboy, Diane as Alice in Wonderland, Fraiser as the Mad Hatter, Coach as a pirate, Carla as an inmate, and Cliff as Ponce de Leon, and Norm as, well, Norm.

Cliff: Say, would you to go in the back and maybe, play some pool? Or as they say in Tallahassee, ‘shoot some pocket billiards?’

Tinker Bell: I’d love to, Mr Leon.

Cliff: Oh please, call me Ponce.

Tinker Bell: [taking her beer, and leading the way to the pool room in the back of the bar] It looks like you’re out to conquer new territory, Ponce.

Cliff: [leaning against the bar after hearing her last words] Holy, God!

4) Jess’ Loft Party In New Girl

Any fan of New Girl has dreamed of partying in the loft; playing a game of True American with Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Winston, and Cece. That said, In season 3, episode 6, “Keaton,” Jess throws a Halloween party at the loft. Also, Schmidt dresses up as a snake/lizard wearing a tie—he’s a public serpent. 

Jess: This is the night when anyone can dress up in a costume and be anybody they want.

5) Paddy’s Pub From It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia

In season 7, episode 6, “Who Got Dee Pregnant?” Dee reveals to the gang that she is pregnant. Dee implies that one of the guys is the father; therefore, Dennis, Mac, and Charlie attempt to recall the drunken events of their last Halloween party. Costumes: Dennis and Mac were supposed to go as Mario and Luigi, instead, Mac goes as Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings. Frank dresses as Spider-Man, Charlie as Phantom of the Opera (thinking he’s a sexy vampire), and Dee dresses as an angel.

Mac: Dee, why in God’s name would you wear a costume with giant wings? 

Sweet Dee: I’m a sexy angel. 

Dennis: Are we supposed to pretend like you’re not dressed like a giant bird? 

Charlie: I mean, if you’re gonna be sexy, don’t dress like a bird, Dee.

6) Andy And April’s House Party From Parks and Recreation

Ben rooms with April and Andy in season 4. In the episode, “Meet N Greet,” the couple decides to throw a Halloween party at their house without telling their roommate. The entire Parks department (aside from Leslie and Tom) shows up to the party. Well, Ron Swanson and Ann Perkins embark on a litany of household repairs; however, Chris does grind with Jerry’s daughter and Ben ends up breaking Andy’s nose. In typical April and Andy fashion, it’s pure madness, and we’d love to be a part of it.

April: [referring to Ben dressed normally] Honey, he’s wearing a costume. He’s going as “Lame”.

Andy: [laughs] That’s a pretty good costume, actually.

[Ben looks at the camera unamused]

7) Happy Endings’ Monster Mash Pumpkin Bash

In season 2, episode 5, “Spooky Endings,” the gang attends the big warehouse Monster Mash Pumpkin Bash (which looks super fun). Max straps on a baby harness, Alex dresses up as Marilyn Monroe, Dave is a very excited Austin Powers and Brad and Jane are eggs and bacon. With hilarious gags and deplorable trick-or-treaters, Happy Endings’ Halloween episode/party is one for the books. 

8) Monica’s Costume Party From ‘Friends’

In season eight, episode six, “The One with the Halloween Party,” Monica and Chandler host a Halloween party at the apartment. If there were ever a time to party with the friends who will “be there for you,” it’s on the night Ross and Chandler arm wrestle in ridiculous outfits. Chandler wears a pink bunny suit, Ross dresses up like a potato Sputnik.

Monica: What are you supposed to be?

Ross: Remember the Russian satellite, Sputnik? Well, I’m a potato. Or a “spud”. And these are my antenna. So Sputnik becomes…? Spud-nik! Spud-nik!

Chandler: Wow. I don’t have the worst costume anymore.

Joey: Hey, all right. Ross came as doodie.

Ross: No, I’m not doodie.

Monica: No, space-doodie.

9) The Rooftop Party From ‘How I Met Your Mother

In season 1, episode 6, “The Slutty Pumpkin,” Ted turns down an opportunity to spend Halloween with Barney, on a yacht, with Victoria’s Secret models to wait for the return of the “Slutty Pumpkin.” Four years prior, Ted met a girl at the rooftop party of his apartment building but lost her number. Therefore, he spends a fifth straight year dressed as “hanging chad” to no avail. Following that episode, the rooftop Halloween party reappears numerous times on How I Met Your Mother, including season 7, episode 8, “The Slutty Pumpkin Returns,” and the much-panned finale. Regardless, we wouldn’t mind having a beer with Ted in NYC, just to tell him he’s an idiot. 

Robin: How can a pumpkin costume be sexy?

Ted: It was carved in strategic places

10) Community’s Halloween Parties

In season 2, episode 6, “Epidemiology,” the Greendale students attend the annual Halloween party, which turns into a zombie apocalypse thanks to discount catering and in season 4, episode 2, the study group goes to Pierce’s mansion (before Vicki’s Halloween Party) because Pierce accidentally locked himself in his panic room. The latter episode pays homage to Scooby-Doo as Pierce attempts to scare them because he felt left out (not being invited to Vicki’s party). Both episodes/parties/haunted house would be a blast to attend with our favorite study group. That said, all of Community’s Halloween episodes, from “Introduction to Statistics” to “Paranormal Parentage,” are great. 

 Annie: Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is sometimes referred to as Mexican Halloween.

Chang: Which is actually quite offensive to people familiar with Mexican Halloween as a sexual position.

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