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Nintendo Announces Direct Mini for Tomorrow

Users have been waiting for Nintendo to hold a seasonal Direct that would be akin to an E3 showing. It’s not clear if that is coming, but the company did announce a Direct Mini that will focus on third-party games. It’ll stream on June 28 at 6 a.m. PT.

Nintendo revealed the Direct Mini on its Twitter account. The video will be around 25 minute and have information about various third-party Switch games.

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The emphasis on third-party titles means that this will not be the place to learn more about Nintendo’s upcoming first-party slate. A Direct on those titles has not been confirmed as of yet. Pokémon Scarlet, Pokémon Violet, and Splatoon 3 are have confirmed dates — September 9 and November 18, respectively — but the rest of its games are more ambiguous.

The delayed Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp has yet to get a new release date. Bayonetta 3 is still supposed to come out in 2022, but Nintendo has not been more specific and hasn’t revealed much about the highly anticipated action title. The untitled sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was delayed to spring 2023, yet Nintendo hasn’t spoken much about it. Reports and leaks have also pointed to Nintendo releasing a Metroid Prime remake this year. All of these announced and unannounced games means that, even if it a lighter later 2022 for the company, it still has some things to showcase in another proper Direct.

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