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Fun Fortune Cookies

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2. Drop four level 1-Tbsp portions of batter on baking sheet, spacing them at least 5 inches apart. Use a the back of a small offset spatula or a butter knife to spread each evenly into a 4 inch circle. Bake until dark golden brown, about 25 minutes. (Homemade fortune cookies need to be a bit dark in order to bend properly, and will be a little speckled in appearance rather than uniformly gold.) Meanwhile, set a muffin pan (with cups 2 3/4 inch wide) next to the oven.

3. Using a wide spatula and wearing cotton gloves, remove a cookie from the oven and flip it onto one gloved hand. Place a fortune in center of cookie while bringing edges together to enclose (don't fold it too firmly in half). Grasp ends of cookie and bend corners down to form a crescent. If cookie hardens too fast or starts to crack, return it to oven for 1 minute before continuing the fold. Once it's shaped, fit it, ends down, into a muffin cup to fi the shape as it cools. Shape other cookies the same way. Let cool completely. Repeat to bake and shape remaining cookies. Make Ahead: Up to 1 week, stored airtight at room temperature.

* Margo True has been the food editor of Sunset magazine since 2006. She is the author of The Sunset Cookbook, which is being published October 2010. Prior to joining Sunset, Margo was the executive editor of Saveur and senior editor and writer at Gourmet. Over the course of her career, Margo has won four James Beard journalism awards for her writing and has often been a guest on TV and radio programs. She also spearheaded Sunset's James Beard Award-winning blog, One-Block Diet ( She lives in Menlo Park, California.

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